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The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

Download As PDF : The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

Download PDF  The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

From the author of the Nebula Award-nominated The Native Star

THE YEAR IS 1910. Eighteen-year-old Will Edwards has landed a prestigious apprenticeship at Detroit’s Tesla Industries, the most advanced scientific research center in the United States. It’s a plum prize for a young man who dreams of a career in the new science of Otherwhere Engineering.

But his father doesn’t want him to go. And he won’t tell him why.

Determined to get there by any means necessary, Will finds unexpected support along the way. His old friend Jenny Hansen—daughter of a San Francisco timber baron—is eager to help him for reasons of her own. And so is his estranged brother Ben, who he hasn’t seen in over ten years.

But running away turns out to be the easy part. On the first full moon after his eighteenth birthday, Will is stricken by a powerful magic—a devastating curse laid upon his ancestors by the malevolent sangrimancer Aebedel Cowdray. Will must find a way to control the magic that possesses him—or the vengeful warlock’s spirit will destroy everything and everyone he loves.

The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

I sincerely liked Native Star and The Hidden Goddess. I found the stories compelling and loved the author's wry humor - the concept of Credomancy, magical fracking and other sly bits. I have to say I found the Warlock's Curse disappointing in the extreme. Half way through, virtually nothing had happened. It was a struggle to just keep going, an experience totally dissimilar from the first two novels. Midway through, when magic reasserts itself, the pace picked up and I found myself looking forward to the next page, when suddenly the novel ended with not even a minimal resolution. So, I have to say that this is half a novel. Wait for the sequel, buy this book used and cheap, skim the first half for context and then enjoy the rest of the story.

Product details

  • File Size 1588 KB
  • Print Length 400 pages
  • Publisher Demimonde (October 31, 2012)
  • Publication Date October 31, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

Tags : The Warlock's Curse - Kindle edition by M.K. Hobson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Warlock's Curse.,ebook,M.K. Hobson,The Warlock's Curse,Demimonde,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure
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The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson Reviews

The Warlock's Curse is the third book in the Veneficas Americana series, but it is set at a different time than the first two and it has a new set of characters. I love reading series in order so I can get the full effect of the books, but I wasn't lost or confused by starting with this book. I loved the Warlock's Curse and I will be getting the first two books in the series to read as well, because if they are like this one I know I will love them too.

I am a major history nerd. I was a history major in undergrad and I just get all giddy when history is incorporated into stories or movies. I loved the history in The Warlock's Curse. M.K. Hobson did an amazing job weaving history throughout the story. And the coolest part is that it was like history class and science class with magic and some steampunkiness interspersed throughout it. Umm, yes please- those are all awesome things. And the effect when putting them all together was great.

The writing is the real deal. I love a fluffy book just like anyone else. Something you can pick up and just zone out and read. The Warlock's Curse is not that book. I was more of an active participant while reading this story because the writing is awesome but more dense and complex than some of the fluffier books I read. It was a nice change of pace for me, and I really loved M.K. Hobson's writing style.

Will and Jenny were so full of energy and enthusiasm that it was hard not to love them. Plus, I love a guys point of view so that was a big plus in my book. But the world building was the star of the show for me. I think this has to be some of the best world building that I have seen in a book in a long time. Everything is just so well developed and presented that it makes reading a real pleasure. This book was an emotional journey. More than once I was sad about something that happened, but ultimately everything works for the story. I think The Warlock's Curse is a book that has something for everyone, and you should check it out.

*Disclaimer- I got a copy of this book for free in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review or my thoughts.
This is a cliff-hanger! I love M.K. Hobson's style--she brings you right into the action. I couldn't put it down, once I started reading.
This series is a must-read for basically any fantasy fan. Vastly different from anything else I've read. Alternative history, steampunky goodness. The characters stay in mind long after you finish the books.
Not nearly as good as the first two books. A key point in the plot turns on possession, and it's never as interesting to watch a plot in which a character cannot make his or her own choices as it is to watch a plot involving people with actual agency. Also, why the unnecessary prejudice against the character of the physicist who's fat? The author has a number of uncharitable things to say about the character's weight, none of which ever became relevant to the plot, but just ended up being her private vitriol against fat people. Totally unnecessary, and reminded me of how Hollywood used to make Indians or Mexicans the villains, made gay people villains. Why is it OK to vilify a group that currently experiences such social prejudice? I expect fantasy writers to make us reflect on our cultural biases, not to reinforce our cultural biases. Bad one, M.K.
Takes place a generation past the events in Native Star/Hidden Goddess. Shows the ramification to society based on what occurred in the previous novels. As a result it will probably me much more difficult to understand if you haven't read the previous two novels. Also note that this is the 1st of 2 books for this plot line, so you finish the story and are left hanging until the next book comes out.
I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of M.K. Hobson's THE NATIVE STAR and THE HIDDEN GODDESS, so I have been excitedly anticipating this book ever since I first heard about it. THE WARLOCK'S CURSE does not disappoint at all--if anything, it exceeded my expectations and then some. As Hobson always seems to do, the story is layered (and then layered some more) in mystery and character connections and deep settings and wicked betrayals. There were so many moments that I (not exaggerating) starting kicking and squealing as I read because a character from the first two books would suddenly reappear--or some twisty little mystery would unfold in the most unexpected way. I love, love, LOVED this book and I cannot wait for the next installment. M.K. Hobson is, hands down, one of my favorite writers.

Be sure to pick this up if you liked the other books in the series or you're a fan of magic, dark mystery, and enthralling world-building.
I sincerely liked Native Star and The Hidden Goddess. I found the stories compelling and loved the author's wry humor - the concept of Credomancy, magical fracking and other sly bits. I have to say I found the Warlock's Curse disappointing in the extreme. Half way through, virtually nothing had happened. It was a struggle to just keep going, an experience totally dissimilar from the first two novels. Midway through, when magic reasserts itself, the pace picked up and I found myself looking forward to the next page, when suddenly the novel ended with not even a minimal resolution. So, I have to say that this is half a novel. Wait for the sequel, buy this book used and cheap, skim the first half for context and then enjoy the rest of the story.
Ebook PDF  The Warlock Curse eBook MK Hobson

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